The Commercialization of Childhood

Every day we hear about some child protégé, who had done something extraordinary at their young age. But does anyone think of the mental conflicts these kids are going through? Every Human being is supposed to do different kinds of activities at different ages. The kids are actually designed to function like that from their very birth. An under growth or an overgrowth is equally bad at the end, whether it is at the physical or at the mental level .I think the children who are born to teachers suffer the most. They are not actually taught to live their own life, but to compete with their peer groups. There is an observation that children born to inter-caste parents (or born in an inter-caste marriage) are always more intelligent than others .I don’t know whether it is a biologically proven fact. Nowadays there are a lot of prime time reality shows, which are meant to exhibit the talents of kids. The Judges’ may appear friendly towards the contestants. But that is not the pro...