Enchanting life mantra.....[2]
My dear friends, How many of you actually tries to make your inner soul happy and cheerful?When you wake up in the morning,try to stand by a mirror and say a "good morning" to yourself.The figure, you see in that mirror is the most valuable gift the God has given you.Preserve it.Always possess a beautiful heart in this ugly World.But Don't trust too much;Don't love too much;Don't hope too much.Because that too much can hurt you so much. Be certain in your things. Of course;Man is a societal being.But don't allow someone to stand at the door of your life.Show them the way to exit.Nothing is sustainable in this world.Most of the bonds and relationships are like the new grass of the morning:In the morning it springs up new,but by evening it is dry and withered. The life consists of full of miseries.If there is a crest, there will be a trough for sure.And that rule makes the life in this universe really exciting.Always try to understand the reality and behave a...