
Connecting education, health and livelihoods...

          A migrated community is always an outsider in a foreign setting. Migration occurs for various reasons. Sometimes it is forced and sometimes people choose to migrate if better opportunities are available somewhere else compared to their "home".  But the notion of ‘choice’ is debatable in this scenario as the options available to them are not equally appealing ones and that’s why they prefer to migrate. Trafficking is a major source of migration and unlike the popular understanding, it’s not just women who are trafficked but men and children are also trafficked on a large scale. Migration is a widely discussed issue these days because of the migration from politically unrest countries in the Middle East to Western European countries. But media neglects the issues in South East Asian countries like Bangladesh and Myanmar for political reasons. Kerala model of development and the heavy migration of its people to Gulf countries is famous across the world. State’s HDI

Setting it the Right Way

Two moves from the new Left Democratic Front led Government in Kerala questions the honesty of their so-called slogans.  I don't understand the logic of giving a full page Ad in national dailies out of public money. We all believe that communism and right wing politics is different . If the purpose was to say to the whole world that you are still alive in this small state; Do it out of party fund! This is applicable to all kinds of government in the country. Second is the deci sion to remove those CCTV's from CM Office. It was an initiative by the last govt. which got the attention of even international media. The new govt. does not want to prove their integrity through live webcasting which was available on But you wanted to check the CCTV footage while Oommen Chandy was in power and now you try to remove it from the whole picture itself. Funny enough!!! But at the same time, Shri. Pinarayi Vijayan made a significant statement towards Gender equality by a

100% literacy? What does it mean after 25 years?

Today Kerala celebrated its 25th anniversary of being a 100% literate state. (e-literacy and 100% primary education are recent achievements). But at the same time, few issues remain unaddressed. 1. Suicides, Ever increasing Criminal cases and Sexual harassment. 2. Death due to life style diseases and road accidents. 3. Export of skilled labor and high dependency on NRI money. 4. And there is a BIG BIG issue to deal with..environmental degradation and climate changes because of our obsession towards "development". This is not a perfect model which the other Indian states can replicate. To prove that the achievements were not incidental and Kerala is different indeed... Care is not just about KARUNYA LOTTERY. It's much more than that!


Operation flood was an attempt to create a revolution in a system where nothing usually works. Talking about it at a time when humans are killed in the name of cow and cattle seems interesting know? After reading the biography of Varghese Kurien, “I too had a dream”, I seriously felt like changing my idea about the keys to success. He was just a lazy lad and he really disliked his job in a remote village of Anand in Gujarat. T h ose settings were really new to him. But out of no choice as he received the help from Indian Government for his education in Diary management in the US, he had to work in a place which is allotted to him by the government. Initials days were sheer struggle until he joined hands with Tribhuvandas Patel, who invented the idea of co-operatives in the Indian diary sector. The small co-operative grew up into a big brand called ‘Amul’. In the process, their main opponents were not the competitors in the diary sector. Instead it was those officials who were mean

What the poet implied...

Dear Comrades, What the poet implied is a serious question which interests every professor of literature. And the way they presume or reach the conclusion is really funny. Who knows what the poet had in his mind when he took note of his creative thoughts unless he himself is explaining them. I thinks the same happens with every propounder of religion. The holy saints behind most religions never even aimed at forming or in fact they were against the formal organised system of religion. But what can we say when we are living in a country where people made idols of and worshipped a man like Dr. B R Ambedkar, where some fanatics even attacked someone like Swami Sandeepanandagiri who stood for truth and spoke against some personified Gods? As I am a Christian by records, I can feel free to criticize my religion. But it's a mystery why people chose to form a religion which is not following Jesus Christ and I don't like certain people who will always criticize the church just for the