What the poet implied...

Dear Comrades,

What the poet implied is a serious question which interests every professor of literature. And the way they presume or reach the conclusion is really funny. Who knows what the poet had in his mind when he took note of his creative thoughts unless he himself is explaining them. I thinks the same happens with every propounder of religion. The holy saints behind most religions never even aimed at forming or in fact they were against the formal organised system of religion. But what can we say when we are living in a country where people made idols of and worshipped a man like Dr. B R Ambedkar, where some fanatics even attacked someone like Swami Sandeepanandagiri who stood for truth and spoke against some personified Gods?

As I am a Christian by records, I can feel free to criticize my religion. But it's a mystery why people chose to form a religion which is not following Jesus Christ and I don't like certain people who will always criticize the church just for the sake of doing that. I agree that Jesus asked his followers to plant churches and be the messengers of truth and you need to have an organised form for it in order to adhere to the norms of the respective society. But where in Bible you are asked to take revenge on your fellow brother who is against your faith or on the one who tried to harm you physically?
Where in Bible you are asked to defend your religion or to take political stands for safeguarding the vested interests of you and your concerned religion?
Where in Bible you are asked to support the Israel not the original Israelites, their zionist extremist movements and the other pro-capitalist groups who are responsible for all kinds of mass killings in the world?
I believe that Bible is the only holy book for all those people who follow Christ and it is written by one person; the God himself. But for some people it's not. The statements made by bishops, priests or pastors who nowadays degenerates to the level of a political leader are the holy guiding principles for a majority. It's as if the almighty bestowed them some power to look after the affairs of his people; to judge on matters arising in the world as God is running out of time.

Once we believe that God created us all we are bound to believe one more fact that he is capable of defending himself. If your God is powerful than you to create the whole world, then do he needs your support to find ways of living or to maintain his superiority over everything? I can't think so!
God loves everyone and his grace is extended to all his creations. He don't believes in partiality as we people do. We are looking at the almighty through our lens and that's a crime. He is even beyond our imagination and how can we say that a God who asks his followers to forgive everything, to everyone, especially to your fellow brother, is with the zionist groups? Whether the Old Testament God and New Testament God are different in certain respects?
Misinterpreting God and his words is not a recent phenomenon and that is seen in every religion. But what I think as an only solution to this problem is to look at the God and think rationally, question the pre-registered dogmas and try to create a personal relationship with the God.

Through all these writings, what I think as a change happened to me is that I gained the enough confidence to write things in a first person narrative and to explicitly reveal my political and religious alienation. It's somewhat confused between left and right; sometimes socialistic as well which doesn't favours any particular political party and I am really happy about that. Don't judge me or reach a conclusion just by reading one post. My views which are secular but not atheistic or antagonistic are scattered throughout different posts.
Thank you for your valuable time...


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